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About Us

A Bit About Us
Eco Friendly
A natural solution for our wicks are that they don't include zinc or other unwanted burning compounds, hence cleaner burn as compared to the natural burns. They have a natural smell, and they do not add any smoke to the environment either. They are crafted for burning consistently, and they do not waste any wax.
Soy Wax
Derived from the soybean, soy wax is a hydrogenated vegetable oil that turns to a solid at room temperature. Soy wax contains nothing artificial, which makes it a better alternative to old-fashioned paraffin wax, which is made from petroleum oil and produces harmful by-products when burned or melted. Soy wax is non-toxic making it better both for the environment and your health!
Meet The Team

Rimsha Kamal Taherani

Farjad Kamal
Co Founder

Zoreen Khawaja
Brand Manager
Our Corporate Affiliates
Sorbi eget mauris ultrices, interdum purus quis, bibendum mi. Ut vel dui aliquam, tempor dolor vehicula, elementum turpis. Sed mi tellus, fermentum at scelerisque eu, eumod in nibh. Proin cursus est at lectus convallis, in tristique mi laoree Interdum.

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